What type(s) of environmentally friendly appliance(s) do you have in your household?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Helping Our Earth

Our earth is a very precious thing, and something we sould be amazingly grateful to have, for that we could not live without its constant abundance and nourishment.
But sadly, the earth is being polluted by all the carbon emmisions that cars, buses, trains, and airplanes let go of, and many other things that are usually caused by us, humans.

A lot of people are oblivious to what is happening to our sacred earth, but that's not how we sould be. We have to all be very aware of the negative changes that are taking place in the world we live in, so we can do the greatest thing--try and help it!

You don't have to try and do big things. No, little everyday helpful actions that you contribute to the world make a HUGE difference!

Let's start with things around the house, for example.

Do you ever just feel so exhausted, and all you want to do is relax in a luxuriously warm, bubbly bath? Some times I do too, and that's ok, but only if you do it once in a while. Not every day.

Having short showers are MUCH more better for the environment than having a bath, beacuse showers only use a very small amount of water, where as filling up a whole bathtub takes tons of water, and after your done having the bath, you just let the water back down the drain again.

So mabye try to set a goal for yourself, let's say reducing your baths to one or two a month. That will save a lot of water! And also, tell your family about reducing the water they use. That way, not only are YOU helping the environment, so is your family!

There are even MORE great ways to help out the earth, starting around your house! Here are just a few:

~ If possible, use a clothesline to hang up your close to dry instead of having a dryer. Dryers use up a lot of energy.

~ Convince your family to buy Energy Star appliances, such as fridges, stoves, and washing machines. They are more efficient and use less energy.

~ Look into purchasing Low Flow toilets, shower heads, and faucets. They use much less water than regular appliances.

~ Use a real wood burning fire place instead of a gas or electrical one.

~ Try to buy food products that are grown locally! Food that is grown in Africa have to be shipped all the way to Canada, making a lot of pollution in the process.

~ The three r's! Recycle, Reduse, Reuse! Make sure that you have a recycle bin and a compost bin (the blue and green bins) so that you are composting food waste, and recycling paper products!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Peace Tree,
    This is a very well written and informative article on Helping Our Earth. You've called your blob The Nature Blog For Kids. I get the feeling that you are a kid yourself. Are you? If so, you are doing a great thing by sharing this info with kids (and adults!)You should be very proud of yourself for wanting others to share in your love and respect for our Earth. Well done!
